What’s your Travel Style?

Just like life, how and why you travel will make a big difference to the experiences you ultimately end up having. One travel style isn’t better than the next and many people change how they travel through their lives.

beach shack

Figure out your travel style! Are you no frills or 5 star?

Style : BACKPACKER                           BUDGET $ – $$

Backpacking is not only about saving money but experiencing life in another culture with the locals. This method of travelling is generally DIY, using public transportation with most travellers spending their nights in hostel dorms with shared accommodations or even hammocks under the stars. Not only for the young but also the adventurous. It may not always be comfortable but it will always be a great story.


  • Inexpensive…you can travel sooner or longer
  • See sights on off peak hours for more authentic experiences
  • Friendly backpacking community in hostels. Easy to make new friends.
  • Flexibility to do what you want, when you want.
  • Great exercise. All that walking and trekking will shed excess pounds.
  • Exploring. Turn left instead of right and a whole new off the beaten adventure awaits.
  • Mental benefits. Build confidence & discover what makes you tick.


  • Sharing space, lack of privacy.
  • More susceptible to travel scams
  • Having to carry everything you own, everywhere you go.
  • Public transportation while inexpensive can be long, cramped and sweaty.
  • Research! You are responsible to know the local customs, laws etc. No one to advise you.
  • Packing…unpacking..packing..unpacking.
  • You may need a vacation after your vacation

Style: FLASHPACKER               BUDGET: $$

Backpackers with a bit more money to upscale their travels are referred to as Flashpackers. This method of travel still uses a backpack…or more likely a rolling backpack on wheels. They generally stay in upscale hostels (yes!) or lower end hotels , have a full range of electronics to capture their adventures, are a bit older and don’t make use of the hostel kitchen every night.


  • Get the backpacker experience but with more comfort
  • Still part of the backpacking tribe so easier to make friends
  • Flexibility.
  • Great median way to travel with comfort and cost savings
  • Private rooms in hostel


  • Wheeled backpacks are great but sometimes you still have to carry that heavy bag.
  • Not suitable for those with mobility problems
  • Research… this is still a DIY trip and you are responsible for you

Style: GROUP TOUR  (Contiki, Gap Year etc)     BUDGET:   $$$

Booking a group tour is a great way to ensure you see all the major sites with a group of travellers that has similar interests. A great way to go if you are short on time & experience. Group tour companies know their stuff and will look after all the details leaving you free to enjoy the scenery! Don’t forget I can help you with ANY assisted travel bookings you need.


  • No advance planning or research needed
  • Travel with a small group of people with similar interests almost guarantees new friendships
  • Not having to worry about transportation or any details
  • Staff to advise on health, safety and cultural differences
  • You get to see ALOT in a very short time
  • Less holiday days needed to have an awesome adventure
  • It’s just so easy!


  • Activities are set – no flexibility
  • No sleeping in..you will always be on the go doing something
  • Travelling companions are set for the trip (for good or bad)
  • Can be less authentic. You will only see what you are shown.


If you don’t have time to plan, have a bit more cash and/or want to ensure that you make the most of your precious vacation time this is an excellent option. Just find a travel agent that specialises in what or where and they will use their vast experience to make sure you get exactly the adventure…or relaxing vacation you need. You trip is also safeguarded by the Ontario travel fund in case the end suppliers go bankrupt or aren’t able to deliver.


  • No planning required, just tell them what you want to do and it will all be arranged.
  • Experienced recommendations and referalls
  • They tell you what you need to enter the country, current safety concerns etc.
  • If something goes wrong, someone to intervene and help sort things out
  • Travel advice ..where should you go?
  • Your travel plans are protected through TICO in case the supplier goes bankrupt or isn’t able to deliver.
  • Can be luxurious or moderate budget


  • More expensive
  • Have to decide where you want to go before you go.

Style: LONG TERM/ SLOW TRAVELLER                    BUDGET: $-$$$

This type of traveller stays in one spot for at least a few months at a time before moving on. Thoroughly exploring all the hidden gems of the region and living like a local. If you are blessed with time, opportunity and budget…it’s quite the lifestyle!


  • Authentic…immerse yourself in the local culture.
  • Relaxed pace…no rush to see the sights. Bad weather doesn’t matter.
  • Experience a different way to live.
  • Can be wonderful for refreshing your creativity and mojo.
  • Learn to live with less “stuff”


  • Need a flexible job, big bank accounts or other way to finance yourself
  • You miss your home/community and friends
  • Things you use/love at home not available where you are
  • Healthcare.. you may lose your benefits at home if you’re away too long
  • Going back to North American life may no longer be attractive

That’s it! That’s our list of travel styles. No matter which travel style suits you best, you can make your trip active, relaxed or something in between.

In the end it’s about having fun, experiencing what this beautiful world has to offer and hopefully coming back a with more than you left.

Happy Travels everyone xo