Choose your Adventure All Inclusives in Drake Bay; Costa Rica

Join me for a wild and wonderful week making memories.

Whether you long for tropical shores and stunning beaches; adventures hiking through pristine rainforest or simply enjoying the food & culture of a new special place…Costa Rica has earned top marks in my books for all of those things and more.

That fact is  one of the big reasons I chose to settle down my nomadic ways for awhile and hang my bikini in the wonderfully remote Drake Bay.  I love most of Costa Rica, each region has its own breath taking spots and worthy of time…but. Drake Bay and the Osa Peninsual hold my heart. Holding rank as hold the TOP 3% of the worlds BIODIVERSITY is land & ocean species. Did I mention they are also known for their abudndance of wild growing orchids?!  Ahhhh life here is surreal, authentic and wonderful.

Now that I’m settled, I’m super pleased to offer ALL INCLUSIVE packages to see this jungle oasis and experience the best of the area. Everyone will have a choice of 3 accoomodations that are a mere 4 minutes max walk away from the beach, and myself!

I am offering 4 packages of 5 days of wonderful \jungle and beach experiences hand picked by me! Guanranteed to be amazing. I cannot wait to share true jungle life with you.

Check out the links to each of the trips. All trip participants must be 21+. We’ll  be having some serious fun, beach parties and so much more. No children allowed 🙂

The trip is offered in Canadian funds  and single occupancy BUT you are welcome to join us from other countries as well. \if you decide to come with a group of friends and share a room, it will be a bit less for everyone as well.

Don’t wait for friends though! I’ve made these adventures awesome for singles..period. This is your opportunity to book the trip without waiting for anyone else!! Life is short and now is the best time to chase your dreams.

Let’s do this!!

Join me in the Jungle!

Trip Options:

Yoga & Wellness in the Jungle

February 13-18, 2022

Jungle, Ocean & Food Adventures

February 27- March 4, 2022
March 20-March 25, 2022

Food & Wellness

April 2022

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