10 Reasons Curated, inclusive trips are one of the best ways to travel.

Discover another way to Travel.

Ever wish you could travel to an amazing place without the learning curve but still experience things that are under the radar?

Are you a single or a couple that want an authentic experience out of an all inclusive resort but with many of the same benefits? Help dealing with whatever things come up but still an independant trip. Make use of my extensive travel knowledge to get to know these amazing tropical destinations.

I’ve extensively slow travelled many of the hot weather tropical climates that I adore and found the best under the radar beach and hot weather destinations. Costa Rica was my first big, off the beaten track (back then) adventure that I organized for myself and 2 girlfriends. It started my passion for creating international experiences and I got to bring programming back to my hometown beach. Operating seasonally it allows me to cycle and keep providing awesome, unique experiences at home and homes away from home <3

Currently in 2024, I am back to South East Asia because I always said I would and its an amazing opportunity to revist some of old favourite, discover new ones and get it all set up for you to follow me!

Ready to learn 10 Reasons Curated Inclusive trips offer Easy Way into Adventurous Travel? Read on <3

I live like the locals, stay in small remote places and make all the connections needed to ensure your adventure is something you can just experience.

Not fretting over planning or thinking while you’re there all the things!

1. No Extensive Research

There’s alot to know before embarking on a big adventure that uses your hard earned vacation time. It can be a job onto itself to try and figure out the details. You can save the endless hours of research and guesswork that goes into planning a trip by using my on the ground knowledge instead.

By joining one of my curated all inclusive trips you benefit from all the knowledge, connections and supports that are in place.
Experience exotic places with different rules, culture and customs without the worry and someone to talk to on the ground and my personal whatapp for direct messages. Recover all your planning time that in the end is guess work anway.

2. Authentic, Smaller operator experiences

Big tours brands deal with BIG operators only. It totally makes sense from a global perspective but

from an individual traveller, you may want more choices and for your spent dollars to have a direct impact on the communities you are visiting. Smaller, remote village experiences in the heart of the one of the wildest jungles on earth for example 😉 Over the years, I’ve gotten to know all the people in the area and some of them offer amazing experiences that you would only know about on location and by chance. I work with the best operators, guides and eyes on the ground to ensure my clients have a great time with all their experiences. Your visit and travel dollars directly impact the people that call these places home. Feel good about your choices and give back to the locals that share their beautiful home.

3. Arrival & Transfers

There aren’t too many more things more stressful to a

traveller than arriving with bags in tow, tired to strange airports with hoops to jump through. Even after you get through immigration then you are faced with the taxi mafia and people looking for easy targets. It’s not a nice thing, but its true.

Having first hand instructions and help arranging whatever you need is priceless in these moments. Even I, a seasoned traveller put a whole lot of throught into getting through to my first accomofdation without the ridicuous things that HAVE happened at different airports & transport venues. Ah the stories. Let me help make these things as painless as possible without you having to navigate or research.

4. Variety of Restaurants, Food Experiences

My curated trips offer a much different experience than staying in a resort. Here in Drake we highlight small local restaurants and give you variety of location and cooking styles though your time! Delicious, uber fresh local  food is a big part of every awesome trip. I ensure you are able to check out the best places in towns run by the most talented chefs.

Enjoy breakfast by the river. Dinners around town. Beachside dining. One special afternoon with a fusion lunch followed by drinks and pool time with ocean views.  Even for your open dinner, guests are provided with a list of other local restaurants to try and what they are known for. Don’t forget about our cooking class <3 Authentic food experiences supporting amazing local chefs.

5. Off the usual Tourist trail

I’m all about authentic experiences and non “touristy” destinations. Being the only one of a handful of people on the main beach, spending time with locals and discovering new places. Costa Rica is a HUGE but small country, there is so much to see. Being farther from the international airports, Osa remains largely unexplored on most first or second trips here. There are more animals than people and huge swaths of primary forest and rivers begging to be explored without the crowds.More than worth the extra effort to experience magical things as they were meant to be. You will enjoy a week checking out some of the lesser known spots with insider knowledge only the locals would know.

6.  Locals know you 😀

Cooking Tico StyleSmall authentic locations where everyone knows everyone. One of the charms of living, and visiting a small community is that most everyone has known everyone else since birth. Drake in particular is a small village of 1000 people with large family groups that are related. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know most of them over the years and they get so excited when my clients come to visit!  When you are in town, you get introduced to the locals we meet and before long, everyone waves and greets you on sight. Since I work directly with the villagers, shop owners, operators etc. they have a vested interest in making sure you have the best time and are genuinely excited to see you in Drake enjoying their home country. Most even speak some English but a smile & a wave goes a long way regardless of language.

7. Help with random situations

Travel to foreign countries is always an adventure. You just never know what random, unexpected things will pop up that you could need help with. Where to get a sim card. Where to purchase something you’ve forgotten to bring with you. Help with translation. Medication needs. Police stops. Lost items. Weird or not so weird burning questions.

During my travels and those of my friends/ clients over the years, a million random things have come up that we could have used help or local knowledge to help with a situation. Usually finding that help can be daunting and stressful but not when you travel with a curated all inclusive trip. I am a message away if you’re in transit and my friends are on the ground in Drake to help you with whatever might come up. If you need something, there is always help. In English.

8. Avoid the Pitfalls

No matter where you go in the world, there are always pitfalls or scams to avoid. Things that you have wished you had known before they happened to you. Many of them happen in busy tourist locations, transit hubs and generally crowded areas where it’s easy to become a target. Scams and pitfalls is one of the things I spend alot of time researching before heading to a new country. Even as an experienced traveller, noone is immune. Booking your curated all inclusive with Take me to Summer gives you a step up in these situations because I will do my best to ensure you swiftly sidestep any pitfalls and have easy to follow instructions to make sure your travels are smooth. Confidently walk past and dodge situations that many fall for with a heads up before you travel. There is no substitute for on the ground knowledge that I share about any country you visit with me.

9. Enjoy the Experience, Forget the Worry

Travelling to a new country can be daunting. Skip the worries about planning. logistics, research, weather, language, transport, pitfalls, where to eat and what to do and simply ENJOY.

One of the things I’ve heard to most from past guests is that they LOVE that there are no decisions to make, problems to think about or logistics to plan out. So many people spend their whole lives making decisions, worrying about the next thing that it’s SO incredibly peaceful to just be able to go and enjoy a trip. You are given an easy to follow itinerary. Tour operators come pick you up or you meet them on the beach. Your meal choices are picked for you. All you need to do is relax, enjoy today.

10.  No travel experience needed.

New & beginner travellers rejoice!

Curated all inclusive trips give you an easy way to get to know different countries. In the past, all inclusive resorts were the easiest and safest option but really couldn’t give you an authentic experience. Curated trips are the best of both worlds with all the best things planned for you but out in the real country amongst the locals. Enjoy a well planned trip without the worry of knowing the local language, culture or having previous travel experience. A safe and easy way to tick off your bucketlist locations or introduction to what may become a new favourite place that you will return to time and again. I will guide you from beginning to finish so you can travel like a pro, even the first time. Solo or with company. Take the leap and let’s make some memories.

Love what you hear?

Head to Drake Bay !!

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